We Trust God Foundation |
STEMnation2021&Beyond* WTG is inviting school systems across the US to select a 5-6 grade class to represent that system in a STEMnation2021&Beyond event in their respective area. The kickoff or inaugural event will be a VIP technology Gala at a major venue (TBA). The classes attending STEM events will receive grants for their school/system to further STEM education activities. During the inaugural event, the students will explore multiple World record setting technologies as they learn about renewable energy, the environment, and alternatively powered transportation. The WTG Foundation has commissioned Aircle Tech and its Daheco Engines & Energy division to provide “First of its Kind” examples of their technologies: MS1 A•R•O (pronounced “Air-Oh” or A, R, O both correct) A2Kart FFD ESR GTG |
© We Trust God, Inc, 2021 |
WTG Foundation (We Trust God, Inc.) is a 501 (c) (3) private foundation. It is not a church, however, the Founders do believe and trust in their creator and conduct business on biblical principles of honesty, integrity, stewardship, respect, and brotherly love. The Foundation relies on the generosity of its supporters and applies 100% of its funding to the targeted project. |
background image provided by http://www.grsites.com |